banning people.

Help with EFnet related issues

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Postby xchange » Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:18 pm

Can you please tell me why banned people from diffrent channels 9th may 12:11AM
One of them was my friend BeatThatZ from My friend was not even on that day, nor did something wrong at all.


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Re: banning people.

Postby munky » Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:08 pm

after a netsplit, on rejoin it is the hub that sets any bans from the other side of the split. so while the ban may have been originally placed by joeblow on 2012-03-14, afer the split the list of bans might show it was set by the hub on 2012-05-09.
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hub efnet us banning people

Postby BeJimmiestoop » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:08 am

Could you please tell me what the Canvas Hub printer settings should be?

I know that the print bed size is 200 x 250 x 200

Im not sure what the settings should be for the maximum speed/feedrate of the individual axes should be: x,y,z, and e

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