Efnet in Germany

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Efnet in Germany

Postby 3678 » Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:43 pm


I am new in that forum, but I am using Efnet since beginning of Eris server. I am wondering that there is no server for a longer time since Gigabell went down. Obviously there were several trials to set up an Efnet server in Germany, At least by Colt and Gatel. Colt was not accepted by Efnet, Gatel server was online for a short time, only.

I would like to know the reason for that situation.

Greetings from Germany
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Postby Pills » Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:49 pm

The reason that there are no servers in Germany? Talk to the German ISPs; there's not much we can do about it unless we get volunteers that can run a good server.
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Efnet accepts servers by ISPs only ?

Postby 3678 » Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:00 pm

Does that mean, nobody can join a server to Efnet if he is not an ISP ? If s.o. pays a hoster for a server he cannot operate an Efnet Server ?
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Re: Efnet accepts servers by ISPs only ?

Postby wundr » Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:40 pm

worf wrote:Does that mean, nobody can join a server to Efnet if he is not an ISP ? If s.o. pays a hoster for a server he cannot operate an Efnet Server ?
I would guess that it's not a question of HAVING to be an ISP, but rather a question of whether the hoster woud allow an EFNet server on their network. If the place hosting the server has the bandwidth, and also supports having an EFNet server on their network then I would guess they'd have a good chance at being accepted, ISP or otherwise.
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Postby 3678 » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:28 pm

If I pay for a root server, the hoster don't have to care about, what I do with that server except if any laws are violated. I think an Efnet server does not violate any laws (in Germany ;-) Of course, a flat rate makes sense if something bad happens. Traffic should not be an issue, even if there are 100000 people are logged in, they do not create TBytes of traffic/month.
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Postby Hardy » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:37 am

Currently efnet have pretty good coverage in that part of europe. That your country doesnt have a client server doesnt mean much the way Internet is built today.. Its often shown that you can have a much more stable client on a irc-server at the oposite part of the world then in the same city you are.

The reason Germany doesnt have a irc-server at the moment is that the "right isp" havent applied. On todays efnet with us loosing users, most servers could hold 4x as many clients as they do today.
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Postby 3678 » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:14 pm

I see, but that leads to following questions:

1st: Efnet does not like to have additional servers ?
2nd: Which ISP is the right ISP ?
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Postby munky » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:38 pm

these days it's not how much average use takes, it's "can you handle the ddos"
sure, you may only use 100kb supporting 5k users, but can you handle 10G ddos?
hell, if it weren't for ddos, i could host a server in .vi...
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Postby Hardy » Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:12 am

worf wrote:I see, but that leads to following questions:
1st: Efnet does not like to have additional servers ?
We do like redundancy and having additional resources. But right now we have capacity to hold 4x as many users, if not more, then what we today. So (this is my views, i know not everyone agrees with it) there is a limit on how many servers there is a point to add before the administrative work and splits becomes more of a hasle then gain on the network
worf wrote: 2nd: Which ISP is the right ISP ?
I would say Tier1 providers, the largest country providers ( Like Telia in sweden, T-Online in Germany etc ) where the servers have good support both from managment at the company and network people are what we welcome the most.
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Postby sealie » Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:48 pm

worf wrote:1st: Efnet does not like to have additional servers ?
We do like additional servers, but the applicants has to apply from somewhere where we *need* servers (i.e Asia or Oceania) and still have a decent amount of bandwidth to avoid getting bankrupt after the second DDoS. Or simply from places where the users would benefit from having a server near their country (such as Australia/NZ where its about 150ms (and lots of distance) to the closest EFnet server.
worf wrote:2nd: Which ISP is the right ISP ?
The first two names that rings in my ears would be either Deutche Telekom AG (DTAG), Geant or something like Tiscali AG Germany or similar. Smaller datacenters are basically just an enduser who would be less solid than the bigger backbone carriers, who basically control their entire infrastructure all over Germany.

My two cents.
oper, efnet.demon.co.uk, efnet.port80.se & irc.efnet.nl

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