Why ban the captain??

Help with EFnet related issues

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Why ban the captain??

Postby Capnkirk1 » Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:58 pm

Yeah..for some reason i got BANNED.

Alright, when im on my laptop (windows xp) It tells me that im under a blacklisted proxy (which is weird because ive never used a proxy on there before)

Now im on my desktop (linux) and its telling me im flat out BANNED.

Anyone care to help me out on this matter??
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Postby deww » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:05 am

Chances are you, like most people, use a provider that provides a dynamic IP and at some point time, some user's machine was found to be compromised. In any case, most of them will refer you to a website that gives you more information like when it was placed in a blacklist and for what. Personally I think blacklists are a necessary evil. Good luck.

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