looking up filenames associated with REQ #s

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looking up filenames associated with REQ #s

Postby SlimPickens » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:00 pm

Grettings. I'm a noob in this world. I want to find out the filename linked to a post -> yada-yada@efnet REQ 12345. I use mIRC. There doesn't seem to be an obvious index at the site. This question may not even be appropriate here. Let me know. Regards.
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Re: looking up filenames associated with REQ #s

Postby wundr » Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:22 am

SlimPickens wrote:Grettings. I'm a noob in this world. I want to find out the filename linked to a post -> yada-yada@efnet REQ 12345. I use mIRC. There doesn't seem to be an obvious index at the site. This question may not even be appropriate here. Let me know. Regards.
You are correct, it's not. I don't think you understand yet what IRC and mIRC are. It is not a P2P File trading application. It is a chat network. EFNet is a network of about 50 servers linked together by some large ISPs, universities, telcoms, and other groups, and on the network, there are "channels", which are like "chat rooms". You may want to read http://www.irchelp.org and http://www.irchelp.org/download
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:46 pm

Postby SlimPickens » Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:38 am

Thanks for the pointers. Regards.

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