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Postby Silence » Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:23 pm

Probably an outdated thread.

But IRC split into efnet and ircnet during the summer of 96.

You can get the whole story on http://www.irc.org.

Have fun
admin *.xs4all.nl
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Postby HM2K » Wed May 05, 2004 12:34 am

I think people were looking for more of a date... not sure though...
I mean we already celebrate the summer right? :D
- HM2K - https://hm2k.org/
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Postby 4742 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:29 pm

Hwy wrote:
HM2K wrote:So no one knows the exact date then? hehe, very odd...

On a different note... This has struck me before, that admins must have seriously disliked eris to create a network purly dedicated to be free of it, I find that very odd... especially for (these days) such a widly known network.
eris had an open, non-passworded pair of C/N lines (and likely H). Anyone could link a server to it.
It was an open server because the pre-efnet day server admins were unable to get along. There was a wicked conflict with the key admins of the time... Greg, Helen, Christopher and especially Chelsea. Chelsea wished to have an open network and even tried to convince Jarkko to change the license for ircd to a GNU license. It was a really interesting time to say the least.
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Postby 4742 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:38 pm

Silence wrote:Probably an outdated thread.

But IRC split into efnet and ircnet during the summer of 96.

You can get the whole story on http://www.irc.org.

Have fun
There are a lot of missing pieces to the story of irc. Namely things that Jarkko failed to mention...
Through ai.ai.mit.edu I got to know Vijay Subramaniam (I hope I spelled that correctly :-). I had given IRC to him and not heard of him for some time. Then I got mail messages from Jeff Trim (used to be jtrim@orion.cair.du.edu, University of Denver, current address unknown) David Bleckmann (bleckmd@jacobs.cs.orst.edu) and Todd Ferguson (melvin@jacobs.cs.orst.edu, Oregon State University). Vijay had given IRC to them and they had started ircd on their machines (orion.cair.du.edu and jacobcs.cs.orst.edu, if I remember correctly) and wanted to connect to Finnish irc network. After that some other people started running IRC, and the number of servers grew quickly. The first IRC server (and still running) was tolsun.oulu.fi .
The girl who ran earth.cchem.berkeley.edu, eris.berkeley.edu and a few other servers ... lbnl, utexas, etc was given her copy of ircd by Jarkko, having met on BitNet. If memory serves correctly, her server was online before the server at orst.edu and du.edu. It is funny how the so called trouble maker for IRC has been left out of all the positive history of IRC.

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