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are efnet's spybots effective?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:07 pm
by kitchen
basically, mark yes here if you've ever seen one of those annoying piles of shit actually catch anything, and no, if like me, you haven't.

Re: are efnet's spybots effective?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:15 pm
by Hardy
kitchen wrote:basically, mark yes here if you've ever seen one of those annoying piles of shit actually catch anything, and no, if like me, you haven't.
Oh please..

I cant explain how they work or exactly what they do, but i can verify that "whatever that is and do" works and it reduces the spammers very effective.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:22 pm
by Hwy
As a former oper, I can verify that yes, they do work, very well.

PS. I guarantee you will get FAR better results if you are polite when you ask, rather than using profane language and an insulting tone.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:39 pm
by corrupt
Yes, these "bots" are very effective. Without them, the amounts of spam on EFNet would be even more. They are not hurting your channel joining and parting. By the way, "spybots" is hardly the correct term/name for these "bots." In the future, please do not refer to them as that :)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 1:33 pm
by prefect
where's the stfu-option on that poll?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:32 pm
by Pills
What are you talking about, spam? They're just there to log all of kitchen's illegal activities so the feds can bust down his door!

Oh, wait, did I post that publically?

Prefect: Don't tempt me to mod the poll. ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 3:06 pm
by munky
with over 200 spambots and trojan infected clients banned per day, i think it's safe to say yes, they are effective

and to be a spybot, they would actually have to spy something. these bots care nothing about who is on your channel or what text is said in the channel. it's up to channel operators to determine if what is said in their channel is to be considered spam.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 4:48 pm
by Osc
You have asked me, more than once, about this, and, every time, I tell you:

they are not spybots
they work
don't worry about them

And, every time, I ask you:

how are they annoying you?
why do you think they are not getting rid of spam/trojans/etc?
why do you think we would *spy* on *you* with a *bot* ?

And, every time, you say:

um, because
um, because
um, because

Now, just two (very redacted) examples...

[11:43:05:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> redacted (~redacted@redacted) [channel #redacted - score redacted - via redacted]: (1049498) hey redacted, xxx videos --->>> http://donotclicktrojanurl.silly.osc.posting.trojans<<<---
[11:43:05:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> Repeat Offender: redacted has spammed 23 times in last 24 hours
[11:43:05:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> /quote gline *@redacted :Spam (23/1049498/39) - see
[11:43:10:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> redacted (~redacted@redacted) is no longer online

5 whole seconds!

[12:14:16:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> redacted (~redacted@redacted) [channel #redacted - score redacted - via redacted]: (1049534) for matrix 2 download, use this command: //write matrix2 $decode(b24gissxompvaw46izpredactedxnlciayicruawnrihwglm1zzyakbmljaybgt1igtuf
[12:14:16:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> /quote kline *@redacted :Trojan infected client (1/1049534/53) - see
[12:14:46:-0400*15/Apr/04] <redacted> redacted (~redacted@redacted) is no longer online

30 seconds!

Just two of hundreds of examples.

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you