[rant] efnet frauders and ddosers and blah
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:57 pm
yes, some of you opers may know me as a ddos kiddie and other things but i did manage to change some of my ways over the years.
i launched a hosting company, we handled irc shells, ircds, bncs, web hosting, game servers and web development. i had a total of 5 boxes. all of which i had paid with my credit card via paypal. my business account in paypal was only a month old and i had gotten 4 frauds already for ircd customers. because of this paypal put ahold on over 2k of my money (i was getting ready to make my monthly server payments) and they also chargebacked my uplink, making my account past due for over 2 months. of cource my uplink was forced to shut down my servers.
i was hosting 2 free ircds on large networks in hopes of bringing more people to what i and most of you consider a second home. those are now gone.
i also got massive ddos attacks on the ips of the free ircds i hosted. my name servers were ddos'd at random as well, effecting my whole network at times.
all these kids that get on irc don't realize that most of us that do things such as host servers (ircds, shell companys) are NOT making much profit. when alot of companies recieve massive ddos attacks they either pay for the bandwidth (forcing them to pull the plug from irc) or they company hosting them pulls them off the network.
on the otherside, the kids who fraud to get 3-4 days worth of a bnc or eggdrop don't realize that this effects as well. because my paypal business account was only 1 month old paypal looked at the odds, i think i had a total of 4 frauds in 1 month span.
now i am out over 2,000 USD, my uplink got screwed. it's really sad because i put in ALOT of work for this. making custom game server panels for my customers, custom user panels for users to maintain their eggdrops/bncs all via secure http site. i've been on irc since around 1992 (netcom days and before) and this is what i get.
sadly i don't see myself trying to give anything to the irc community anytime again soon. hopefully some of these kids will learn one day the things they are doing are making it harder and harder for people to offer services for them to do what they want.
i'm just tired of this bullshit and had to rant.. prolly makes no sense.
i launched a hosting company, we handled irc shells, ircds, bncs, web hosting, game servers and web development. i had a total of 5 boxes. all of which i had paid with my credit card via paypal. my business account in paypal was only a month old and i had gotten 4 frauds already for ircd customers. because of this paypal put ahold on over 2k of my money (i was getting ready to make my monthly server payments) and they also chargebacked my uplink, making my account past due for over 2 months. of cource my uplink was forced to shut down my servers.
i was hosting 2 free ircds on large networks in hopes of bringing more people to what i and most of you consider a second home. those are now gone.
i also got massive ddos attacks on the ips of the free ircds i hosted. my name servers were ddos'd at random as well, effecting my whole network at times.
all these kids that get on irc don't realize that most of us that do things such as host servers (ircds, shell companys) are NOT making much profit. when alot of companies recieve massive ddos attacks they either pay for the bandwidth (forcing them to pull the plug from irc) or they company hosting them pulls them off the network.
on the otherside, the kids who fraud to get 3-4 days worth of a bnc or eggdrop don't realize that this effects as well. because my paypal business account was only 1 month old paypal looked at the odds, i think i had a total of 4 frauds in 1 month span.
now i am out over 2,000 USD, my uplink got screwed. it's really sad because i put in ALOT of work for this. making custom game server panels for my customers, custom user panels for users to maintain their eggdrops/bncs all via secure http site. i've been on irc since around 1992 (netcom days and before) and this is what i get.
sadly i don't see myself trying to give anything to the irc community anytime again soon. hopefully some of these kids will learn one day the things they are doing are making it harder and harder for people to offer services for them to do what they want.
i'm just tired of this bullshit and had to rant.. prolly makes no sense.