I'm from Turkey and i've been a long time Efnet member. You might be right that most of these bots are from Turkey (since the domain "sexbul" actually means "findsex" in Turkish) but still, blaming whole country for individual actions is the worst thing you can do.
Hope you can find a real solution.
Ban Turkey from EFnet?
Moderators: Website/Forum Admins, EFnet/General Moderators
This will not solve this type of problems
If AS9121 is banned they will use IPs originated from other AS. Which country do you want to ban next ? Germany ? USA ?
On the other hand, if server ops have access to bgp routing, they can blackhole all networks originated by a specific AS. Possibly uplink provider will do that job. That depends on providers support quality of efnet servers.
On the other hand, if server ops have access to bgp routing, they can blackhole all networks originated by a specific AS. Possibly uplink provider will do that job. That depends on providers support quality of efnet servers.
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