chanfix system is far from being perfect

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Do you consider the chanfix system as perfect?

yes, it doesn't need any development
no, there are situations when human judgement is required
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chanfix system is far from being perfect

Postby cetrox » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:54 pm

Please opers, don't rely totaly on it.

Stay open to listen for special situations, the chanfix system doesn't cover 100% of the unexpected facts.

IANAL, but please consider chanfix in development and be open to listen the clients and their problems. There are special situations ALWAYS.

I'm sure there was a POLICY before chanfix was created, and chanfix system was made to help opers to deal with unfair situations, abuser users, and there is a lot of people who is daily ignored because they couldn't meet all the chanfix system requirements.

Please follow that policy when the facts give the reason to the client. Honestly, I don't like to deal with services.
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Postby lucy » Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:08 pm

cetrox, i personally talked to you quite a while today...
trying to explain why i cant help you and that chanfix will automatically op the scored ops (of which your channel has at least 10) when they return to the channel with the same ident/host.
you never replied after i explained that.

i'm not sure what you want me or other ircops to do.
we can't automatically join a channel and get ops.
and if we could? who would we give ops to?
just because you set the last topic, doesn't mean the channel is yours.
chanfix is the most fair method of dealing with takeovers and opless channels.
anything else that we could possibly do, chances are it wouldn't be fair to one person or the other. who would we know who to believe?

i'm sorry you've lost ops in your channel
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Re: chanfix system is far from being perfect

Postby Pills » Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:07 pm

cetrox wrote:Please opers, don't rely totaly on it.

Stay open to listen for special situations, the chanfix system doesn't cover 100% of the unexpected facts.

IANAL, but please consider chanfix in development and be open to listen the clients and their problems. There are special situations ALWAYS.

I'm sure there was a POLICY before chanfix was created, and chanfix system was made to help opers to deal with unfair situations, abuser users, and there is a lot of people who is daily ignored because they couldn't meet all the chanfix system requirements.

Please follow that policy when the facts give the reason to the client. Honestly, I don't like to deal with services.
Bzzt, wrong. There was no POLICY. That was the problem.

As Lucy said, CHANFIX is indiscriminate. It ops clients that have been opped, period, full stop.
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Postby cetrox » Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:23 pm

lucy: I'm sorry, I was dealing with the takeover, then I give up and went outside for a ride. It was not my intention being so thoughtless. Just I got upset for getting too many free insults. #Chile is not my channel, I just found it taken over and I wanted to stay.

I'll solve my problem alone. I understand your efforts in getting a standalone irc world.

Postby seiki » Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:57 pm

We're all aware chanfix is less than perfect. I'm sitting in #chile now, and there are no ops. If you're still around, join on your normal host, and chanfix should reop you. I'll hang out in there for a little while..

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Postby deww » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:51 pm

I believe the main "problem" with Chanfix, is not necessarly how Chanfix works. I think the main problem is that people are now relying on Chanfix to keep their channel for them and when they don't fit the requirements that Chanfix imposes, they get upset when it can not be used to fix their taken over or opless channel. Chanfix is far from perfect. Poke around this website and you'll see the chanfix guide for opers and you'll see that it mentions that opers do need to use their own judgement for fixing channels in some cases. Suddenly opers carry a heavier burden when. It's not a new burden, but now suddenly some opers can do something about it and people think opers *MUST* fix their channels for them and the network *HAS* to be responsible for their channels. 8)
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Postby cetrox » Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:45 pm

The problem was solved by seiki, days ago; he listened friendly, and understood the unforeseen facts of the situation, and he solved it. He stayed in the channel until we solved our temporary deal with CHANFIX requirements. He gave us his time, help and resources. Thanks seiki! you've friends around here.
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I don't trust chanfix or some opers, not help!

Postby babiefnet » Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:32 pm

humm... CHANFIX? OPERS? naaah.. they're just fuckin` rats on EFnet.
EFnet just cyber, for fun! why opers sometime got involved and some of opers help some CLAN ( ummm ) to taken over or kill someone EFnet user from server! WHAT DA HeLL!!!
Come on! just cyber, i wish i CAN CONNECT my IRCD to EFnet, i'll give: NO RULES!
JUST chatting, for fun! what da hell are you thinking OPERS? is EFnet YOUR LIFE?
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Re: I don't trust chanfix or some opers, not help!

Postby dexter » Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:58 am

babiefnet wrote:humm... CHANFIX? OPERS? naaah.. they're just fuckin` rats on EFnet.
EFnet just cyber, for fun! why opers sometime got involved and some of opers help some CLAN ( ummm ) to taken over or kill someone EFnet user from server! WHAT DA HeLL!!!
Come on! just cyber, i wish i CAN CONNECT my IRCD to EFnet, i'll give: NO RULES!
JUST chatting, for fun! what da hell are you thinking OPERS? is EFnet YOUR LIFE?
What the hell is this?

The reason only certain opers take part in fixing channels because only three opers per server are allowed to have chanfix access. Also, servers reserve the right to disconnect local users at any time for any reason whatsoever.
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Postby munky » Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:49 pm

In God we trust,
Everyone else must have an X.509 certificate.
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Postby Hardy » Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:23 pm

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