
General talk about EFnet

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Postby evil » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:32 pm

Just out of curiosity is anybody interested in getting rid of a 100+ drone net sitting in 35+ channels?
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Postby munky » Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:29 pm

talk to a nearby drone hunter.

speaking of which, do drone hunters make themselves available to the general public, or is it through semi-private means only?

(i can forsee arguements that go both ways)
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Postby seiki » Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:15 am

/stats p works great..

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Re: Drones

Postby Beige » Sun Nov 16, 2003 1:03 pm

evil wrote:Just out of curiosity is anybody interested in getting rid of a 100+ drone net sitting in 35+ channels?
In the unlikely event of finding a channel with drones on EFnet..

1. Do not panic; remain calm.

2. Leave the drone channel immediately. Do not take personal belongings with you as these may slow your departure.

3. Raise the alarm with your local friendly IRC operators by activating a /stats p (type it in the client's chat window), waiting for a client list and messaging clients who don't have acronyms such as "BOPM" or "TCM" in their names. Once you find an IRC Operator that responds to you, he will take care of the problem. The IRC Operator is your friend.

4. Listen for and follow instructions from IRC Operators, IRC Admins or arbitrary people who just have that special aura about them that makes them appear trustworthy, but who in reality are probably more lost than you.

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Re: Drones

Postby SecretSamurai » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:29 pm

evil wrote:Just out of curiosity is anybody interested in getting rid of a 100+ drone net sitting in 35+ channels?
I assume you're talking about the same drones that are in what is now our old channel. When we started getting a couple of dozen of those things join several times a day, we decided to make a new channel and move all our 200+ users there. That must have been at least 4 months ago, and the problem has just got worse. Now the channel usually contains over 150 of the damn things.

The drones are in all of the following channels, and more:

#0day-Dump #HipHop-Central #divxiso #bollywood #GANGSTA-VIBEZ #eurodanceparty #isoz #Iso-Xdcc #iso #HardCoreXXX #HACKNO-WAREZ #games-movies-apps #FULL-ROCK-MP3-ALBUMZ #FNB-DCC #federalxxxporn #EXiSO #euromp3zzzz #espornsexxxvcdivx #EPISODES-FIRST #divx.games.warez.iso #DivX-Movies #chinese-cinema #cablerapmp3 #BOOTLEGCENTRAL #BBALL-VIDZ #BAYTIGHT #Bay2La #BADASSMP3S #B4F #audiozone #ALL-MP3Z

They all have random nicks, userids, and various VERSION replies. Does anyone know what these drones are?
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Postby corrupt » Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:02 pm

They are supar secret drones with a secret plan to takeover EFNet. Be careful, they will hack you and make your PC blow up.
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Postby biggy » Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:53 am

Yea, these seem to do little harm, but too damn annoying. To me when you're over 20 or so public channels...something is wrong. These same ones come into my channel, and they are usually in 40+ channels(yesterday one topped out at 84). I only see them being used to gather xdcc/fserve lists from some of the channels, but many of the channels they join aren't serving anything.
edit: after doing a little more searching, versioning, etc. it seems that many are a bottler client and seem to be connecting to a large default list of channels. i've noticed a few clients which stay on the channels, then quit, and rejoin in the next 40+ chans of its internal list.
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Postby applejack » Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:11 pm

Yes, these things are a nightmare. Between them and the IRC-ORC/Zinoz/Autoget/Bottler, efnet is becoming really tedious.

These drones just join and join and join, no matter how you ban and kick.
Several of those channels mentioned (such as #b4f) are opless and serverless, and seem to have lost a ghey war at some point.

Cant #b4f just be juped? Cant the clients in it just be banned permanently?
It's been going on for weeks and weeks now.

Typing /stats p does nothing here btw. edit (which seems to be some strange sysreset thing)
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Postby SecretSamurai » Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:40 pm

I'm not sure they are what you think they are...

The initial wave of these drones all had IRC-Ork as their version, and all advertised the IRC-Ork website when they quit. Initially, I made a script to check the version and kick them. Then we noticed even more version replies, so I made a script to kick anyone in 20 or 30+ channels. The really weird thing is.... why do they often rejoin in massive groups? Coincidence? Maybe, but... we have also seen periods of 3 or 4 hours where not one of them join our channel.... they just disappear, then suddenly they start joining again in huge groups. Surely this can't be a coincidence?
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Postby corrupt » Sun Dec 07, 2003 8:41 pm

applejack wrote: Typing /stats p does nothing here btw. edit (which seems to be some strange sysreset thing)
Uhm, typing /stats p DOES do something. It lists the operators for the server you are on, and their idle times. If you don't see anything, perhaps your client is in the wrong window or not displaying server notices properly. I'm not sure what you are talking about a 'sysreset thing.'
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Postby sealie » Mon Dec 08, 2003 7:02 am

corrupt wrote:
applejack wrote: Typing /stats p does nothing here btw. edit (which seems to be some strange sysreset thing)
Some clients require that you provide the server where you do the stats request. Such as /stats p efnet.demon.co.uk. However, you might want to check your "Status" window if you are using a mIRC type of client. I think mIRC by default will chuck the server notices to the "Status" window.

I hope this helps :D

- sealie
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Postby applejack » Mon Dec 22, 2003 4:01 pm

Well gentlemen, as I told you, it does nothing here.

Typing /stats p or /stats p irc.server.imonrightnow, produces nothing in any window.

I am using a script called sysreset (a script for mirc, fairly popular). It's either a strange sysreset glitch or a weird configuration that I somehow mirrored because it the command produces nothing in either of the 2 instances of syreset I have.

In any case, the point of this thread is these like sucking drones which continue to haunt efnet, not strange script anomalies.

Looking there, I see that #b4f still has plenty of drones. Why cant the channel be juped? All the clients in there are drones.
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Postby lucy » Mon Dec 22, 2003 4:22 pm

applejack wrote:Looking there, I see that #b4f still has plenty of drones. Why cant the channel be juped? All the clients in there are drones.
efnet doesn't have a global jupe command plus all opers/admins don't read this forum... its nice that people report things here about efnet, but usually to get some quicker action on a problem, /stats p the server is better.
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Postby evil » Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:05 am

I use one or more of these rogue channels where all of these drones are sitting as a way to identify and ban them. So juping the channel would be a disadvantage to me. I'm using a MC script to detect a specific channel that only the drones are sitting in, however, this has not been an easy task as it doesn't take long sometimes to fill up the channel ban list with 100 bans. But oh well, efnet has never been cutting edge.

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Postby slider » Sun Mar 07, 2004 1:01 am

applejack wrote:
Typing /stats p or /stats p irc.server.imonrightnow, produces nothing in any window.

I am using a script called sysreset (a script for mirc, fairly popular).
try doing /raw stats p (this will bypass your client and go straight to the server) i have to do this or i display my pc system info in the active channel

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