So be it...

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Yes. We all have our own drone nets that we use to flood channels, and God forbid if we K:line any of them! The thousands of drones that are cleaned and K:lined daily are really just joining our huge IRCop drone army!evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
So be it...![]()
Don't put words in my mouth. Go back and read it again and maybe YOU will get a clue.Pills wrote:Yes. We all have our own drone nets that we use to flood channels, and God forbid if we K:line any of them! The thousands of drones that are cleaned and K:lined daily are really just joining our huge IRCop drone army!evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
So be it...![]()
Seriously, if that's your typical view of an IRCop, you are a bit clueless.
*sigh*evil wrote:Pills wrote:Yes. We all have our own drone nets that we use to flood channels, and God forbid if we K:line any of them! The thousands of drones that are cleaned and K:lined daily are really just joining our huge IRCop drone army!evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
So be it...![]()
Seriously, if that's your typical view of an IRCop, you are a bit clueless.
Don't put words in my mouth. Go back and read it again and maybe YOU will get a clue.
A good example of a typical luser who doesn't know what the hell is going on is YOU. Don't be so quick to make assumptions on topics of which you know nothing about. Nobody wants to listen to you bitch - because, nobody cares. If you are going to bitch about something, at least do some research first kthnx.evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
So be it...![]()
I did my research, I assumed nothing, I wouldn't have posted assumptions, I'm not posting all of my research here. This was not a one time thing, it has been going on for a period of time. What I posted are the facts, and since you spoke for the entire efnet community by saying "nobody cares" reinforces my point.corrupt wrote:A good example of a typical luser who doesn't know what the hell is going on is YOU. Don't be so quick to make assumptions on topics of which you know nothing about. Nobody wants to listen to you bitch - because, nobody cares. If you are going to bitch about something, at least do some research first kthnx.evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
So be it...![]()
What research did you do? I would love to know. For starters the channel in question is #0dayvcd and yes when I came to my console I saw that it had been getting nick change flooded by some lamers drone net. But by this time one of the ops was banning them and I had other stuff I was doing so I couldnt take the time to try and make a list of the drones. Few comments: First I don't have to answer to some luser who has no clue, and second if you where present in the channel while this flooding was going on, why didn't you notify a oper on the servers that had said drones. Last but not least find something better to do with you're time then be concerned about me or any oper for that matter..evil wrote:I did my research, I assumed nothing, I wouldn't have posted assumptions, I'm not posting all of my research here. This was not a one time thing, it has been going on for a period of time. What I posted are the facts, and since you spoke for the entire efnet community by saying "nobody cares" reinforces my point.
evil wrote:I did my research, I assumed nothing, I wouldn't have posted assumptions, ...
that sounds to me like an assumption that the "typical" ircop sits in channels full of drones and does nothing.evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
how does nobody caring about your accusations about "typical" ircops reinforce your point about "typical" ircops? for one, most of the responses are from ircops, who know many more ircops, and therefor have a pretty good idea of what a "typical" ircops is. or maybe they even know enough that there isn't a "typical" ircop just as much as there isn't a "typical" user. so not caring about your baseless trolls trying to condemn one ircop for doing nothing visible to you (for all you know he was having operwall conversations or contacting drone hunters to stop the drones) is a natural response.evil wrote:... and since you spoke for the entire efnet community by saying "nobody cares" reinforces my point.
Is webber not allowed to be AFK ever?evil wrote:I did my research, I assumed nothing, I wouldn't have posted assumptions, I'm not posting all of my research here. This was not a one time thing, it has been going on for a period of time. What I posted are the facts, and since you spoke for the entire efnet community by saying "nobody cares" reinforces my point.corrupt wrote:A good example of a typical luser who doesn't know what the hell is going on is YOU. Don't be so quick to make assumptions on topics of which you know nothing about. Nobody wants to listen to you bitch - because, nobody cares. If you are going to bitch about something, at least do some research first kthnx.evil wrote:A good example of the type "typical" ircop in my mind is when I see Webber sitting voiced in a channel that's full of drones and wreaking havoc on channels and does nothing about it.
So be it...![]()
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