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Postby wundr » Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:19 pm

HM2K wrote:Sorry to be talking like this about the majority, but...
Most asians are a pain in the arse to even hold a conversation with, I don't understand them, and they don't understand me :p
I know you are speaking kind of tongue-in-cheek here, but I think it would be fine if there were more asian users. Just because you can't communicate with them doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed on the network, and that they can't communicate perfectly well with each other in their own channels. I think that if there were more users from these countries, then there would be more large channels for them to hang out in and chat in their own language, and not bother people who don't understand them (like now). I remember when was linked up a couple years ago and was never opened. I was really hoping for that one (since I'm in Japan).
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Postby HM2K » Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:22 pm

Just because you can't communicate with them doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed on the network, and that they can't communicate perfectly well with each other in their own channels.
Thank you captain obvious :P

The problem is when they start to join other channels, to try and find something or they need some help with something... etc. its at that point that it becomes an arse to communicate with them :?

Going back to what you said... if the asians that came on from new asian server(s) simply went into their own channels, it would be pointless, they may as well simply create an asian based network...
I can't see why they would want to link up to EFnet when they are going to stick with their own kind anyway... which, lets face it, they usually do...

To be honest, I like the fact that EFnet is EU and US, its a very nice combernation, I don't think adding other continants would work as well as this already existing comanation.

Thats my opinion anyway.

Note: Sorry if anything I have said is classed by you as racist, its not my intention at all, I'm not racist at all, I can't see the point in it. ;)
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Postby munky » Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:54 pm

you don't seem to be too open minded about this.

you know, we have german servers, norwegian severs, finnish servers, etc, etc. i can guarantee not everyone on those servers speaks english.

and there are probably quite a few that area also bi-lingual. so who's to say we can't have asian or african servers? sure, they speak a different language, but some of them speak english, and some people in US/CA/EU are bi-lingual and would be able to speak to them in their native language.

i'd say the more diversity the better.
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Postby deww » Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:20 pm

Heck we even have British servers and even some of the folks there don't speak "English." :D runs away quickly
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Postby HM2K » Fri Dec 19, 2003 3:24 pm

/me slaps deww hehe.

Yeah okay so I'm not very open minded about it, simply because I don't see the point in it...

And like I said EU (including UK) and US works very well together, I don't think JP would work in the same way... The main reason this works so well is most of the EU already speak english (despite what you say, I've never met someone on irc from EU who doesn't speak english), its when the communication breaks down that I find I start to have problems with users...

I mean is it just me who finds Kuwait users annoying as hell :p hehe, and don't even get me started on Norweagens, especially that sealie... jeeez ;)

Hehe, this is simply my opinion, don't forget that :)

Btw, I thought .ca's primary language was french so what are you going on about? even the .ca servers are in english, and english speaking...

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Postby munky » Sat Dec 20, 2003 2:49 am

canada has 2 official languages, english and french. most regions have english as the primary language, but are required to take 1-2 years of french in school.
afaik, only in quebec are all signs required to be in both english and french, and also the place where you're most likely to find people that don't speak english, or speak it as a second language.
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Postby tabarnac » Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:03 pm

munky wrote:you know, we have german servers, norwegian severs, finnish servers, etc, etc. i can guarantee not everyone on those servers speaks english.
There's already too much trouble from Norway. Just say NO to .no
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Postby munky » Sun Dec 21, 2003 4:04 pm

tabarnac wrote: There's already too much trouble from Norway. Just say NO to .no
and if you go to undernet, most users say the same things about .ro

i still don't think we should ban an entire country (or continent), petition or no
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Postby Hardy » Mon Dec 22, 2003 11:13 pm

tabarnac wrote:
munky wrote:you know, we have german servers, norwegian severs, finnish servers, etc, etc. i can guarantee not everyone on those servers speaks english.
There's already too much trouble from Norway. Just say NO to .no
gee, thanks...

/me feels unwanted :cry:
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Postby bobjuh » Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:02 am

I'm more of an IRCnet user then EFnet
On IRCnet it's more *.pl and the lame italians that give problems not so mutch people from Norway.

On ircnet we have the same problem with *.it that you have with *.no on EFnet lame italians. Joining en parting channels al the time, always speaking italian on english channels and keep speeking italians also after warnings and using lame scripts with lame colors :evil:

Maybe good idea to give them there own *.it and *.no irc network ;)
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Postby Klimpong » Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:01 pm

HM2K wrote:Most asians are a pain in the arse
Thank you for sharing! 8)
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Postby tabarnac » Sat Dec 27, 2003 2:44 am

Hardy wrote: gee, thanks...

/me feels unwanted :cry:
/me shrugs
Hardy, you're just one of the few exceptions from Norway.
(There's a guy pointing a gun at me)
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Postby HM2K » Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:37 am

Klimpong you shouldn't take things out of context, people might get the wrong idea...
- HM2K -

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