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After trying HydraIRC, what do you like better?

Poll ended at Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:00 pm

NextIRC (someday?)
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Postby Segmented » Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:00 pm

mIRC now has some serious competition...

HydraIRC 0.3.138 is now released, loads of features like:

- Written in C++ using modern tools (Visual Studio 7)
- Uses WTL/ATL for a Super fast, streamlined and efficient program!
- Uses XML for all config files, very minimal registry usage
- Dockable tabbed auto-hidable windows, tabbed MDI client area.
- Event based core (with user definable events)
- Nice looking, intuitive GUI, no skinnable ugly rubbish.
- Supports connecting to an unlimited number of servers
- Reliable server/network reconnects
- Supports private messages and Query windows
- Supports DCC chat and File transfer
- DCC File resumes with rollback and same-file checking.
- Nick Completion (in Server, Channel, DCC and Query windows!)
- FServe functions built in (e.g. auto-requeue on disconnect + more)

- User identities (username, nick list, etc) can be assigned on a per-server/per-network basis

- A user profile can store multiple identities.

- Highlighting can trigger events.

- Audio Mute function!

- Command profiles (a bunch of commands that are given to be run one after the other)

- Auto-Connect on startup list lets you connect to multiple servers on startup

- Auto Connect Command profiles can be attached on a per-server/per-network

- Auto Join Command profiles can be attach to channels on a per-network basis.

- User list icons denoting ops/voice, etc.

- Remembers nicks on a per-server or per-network basis, can auto-update the user profile automatically.

- Supports all known text style codes (colors, italics, bold, underline, etc)

- Supports changing fonts via control codes

- Toggleable channel userlists with additional dockable user list that shows the current channel's users

- DLL Plugin SDK.

- Scripting via way of DLL Plugins. (You can make plugins that can run scripts written in any scripting language!)



Keep in mind... some features arn't 100% yet but it's coming along nicely. Soon scripting support will be added where you can script in any language even mirc's own. Also this client is for more "serious" users not the new ones. mIRC, LOOK OUT :)[/img]
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Postby deww » Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:43 pm

You left out some other popular irc clients in no particular order:
xchat, epic, irssi and the granddaddy, ircii.
xchat and epic has Windows ports.
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Postby 0versight » Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:41 am

Last time I tried it, didnt support anything but .bmp is it still like that?
IRC is how I deal with reality.
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Postby Dario » Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:11 pm

identd implementation appears to be flawed or not straight forward.

I will admit I did not invest a great deal of effort however if I cannot connect a client within 15 mins to a fairly open server like irc.blessed.net then the client in inherently flawed for the average end user IMNSHO.
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