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Discussion of and help with popular IRC Clients.

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What IRC client do you use?

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Postby Auriga » Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:13 pm

I personally dont think that mIRC or console based irc apps are better then the other.

I mearly stated that mIRC works great for me.

I have no need for anything else, and so I don't use anything else.

I love the way mIRC works, I like how easy it is to use, and its so much easier to help the average user when you have a good understanding of the applications that they are most likely to use.

Just my opinion.
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Postby deww » Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:55 pm

I agree with Auriga's last comment. Each client, GUI or CLI, has their own strength and weaknesses. Many of them can be "fixed" with some scripting, in either case, only ONE (1) vote for epic? !@#!@$ :P
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Postby alt-f4 » Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:46 am

mirc at home/office and bitchx for all other occations.
Things mean what you want them to.

Postby seiki » Wed Aug 06, 2003 10:37 am

irssi + hybrid oper mods from (props).

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Postby Blejdfist » Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:19 am

Irssi rocks!! :wink:
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Postby Jepp » Wed Aug 06, 2003 12:04 pm

mIRC + ircN owns :) but i also use BitchX if i was elsewhere and had to connect to my machine
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Postby Pills » Wed Aug 06, 2003 1:24 pm

I've used EPIC since it was just ircII.2.2.9 (I think that was the current client in 1992).
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i use epic

Postby oz » Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:00 am

i used to use irc2 until my scripts became to complex for it.
now i use epic for its stability and functionality </sarcasm>
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Postby Garion » Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:09 am

munky wrote:bitchx has this same info:

[20:38][*@netmunky(+bfilsuwxyzo)] [#xxx(+nst)^^] [Act: 3,9,7,5,6,4]

you can switch between them by hitting esc-3, esc-4, or you can /alias ws {window swap $0}
this allows you to /ws 11 (since there is not 11 key)
Most of the time, alt-<num> should work too.

And irssi has alt-q .. alt-p mapped to windows 11 .. 20 by default as well. Plus it's very easy to bind alt-a .. alt-; to win 21 .. 30 and alt-z .. alt-/ to win 31 .. 40 :)

So, navigating in a console client is not as difficult as it seems. Once you get used to it, it's faster than switching in mIRC, because you don't have to reach for the mouse. And yes, alt-1 .. 0 also works in mIRC, but as far as I know you can't rearrange the windows exactly the way you like, and you can't get to window 11 that way.

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Postby Garion » Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:16 am

strikelight wrote:The flaw I find with console (no gui) based irc clients, is that they are too disorganized... Channel messages/private messages all appearing
in the same screen, all after another... Atleast with mirc, they
are organized into seperate containers, making chatting flow easier..
How long has it been since you've tried a console client?

Any decent console client nowadays can be totally configured so that any message sent to you by a client is sent to a certain messages-only window, or opens a new window with a query, or is sent to the active window...

You can create hidden windows, or split windows, and setup your client exactly the way you like.

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Postby strikelight » Fri Aug 08, 2003 1:32 am

Garion wrote:
strikelight wrote:The flaw I find with console (no gui) based irc clients, is that they are too disorganized... Channel messages/private messages all appearing
in the same screen, all after another... Atleast with mirc, they
are organized into seperate containers, making chatting flow easier..
How long has it been since you've tried a console client?

Any decent console client nowadays can be totally configured so that any message sent to you by a client is sent to a certain messages-only window, or opens a new window with a query, or is sent to the active window...

You can create hidden windows, or split windows, and setup your client exactly the way you like.

-- Garion
I've already addressed this issue in the fact not all servers provide wserv, thus no window'ing in console clients.. Also, if you think a combination of key pressing is faster than a mouse, then I'd say your mouse movement is pretty dang slow, or you have more screen real estate than you know what to do with.

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Postby Shane » Fri Aug 08, 2003 6:27 am

strikelight wrote: Also, if you think a combination of key pressing is faster than a mouse, then I'd say your mouse mov7\0\05{\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0ng slow, or you have more screen real estate than you know what to do with.
Simple example: ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste, or right click, select copy, then right click again and select paste? Which is easier for you? Why is it called shortcut keys? Why do interface designers even bother to code in these shortcut keys if they are not useful? I'm pretty sure that you use them yourself.

In my opinion, gui clients are easier to learn, and make better use of screen real estate than console clients - tiling of windows side by side anyone? However, console clients force you from the start to learn the keyboard shortcuts and commands. If more people used the tab key in mirc, no one would be coding auto-nick completion into mirc scripts.
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GUI speed vs console speed

Postby Garion » Fri Aug 08, 2003 9:54 am

strikelight wrote: I've already addressed this issue in the fact not all servers provide wserv, thus no window'ing in console clients..
Eh, wserv? I've never heard of this. What does it have to do with whether my console IRC client can or can not create windows?
My client (irssi) doesn't need anything from the server to make windows, it makes the windows when I tell it to.
strikelight wrote: Also, if you think a combination of key pressing is faster than a mouse, then I'd say your mouse movement is pretty dang slow, or you have more screen real estate than you know what to do with.
I was talking about something like this:
- you talk to friend 1, both hands on keyboard
- you lift one hand from the keyboard
- you move that hand to the mouse
- you move the mouse to the window of friend 2
- you click to activate the window of friend 2
- you release the mouse
- you move your hand back to the keyboard
- you talk to friend 2, both hands on keyboard

compared to:
- you talk to friend 1, both hands on keyboard
- you press alt-6
- you talk to friend 2, both hands on keyboard

Now, I wonder which will be more efficient.

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Postby nitedog » Fri Aug 08, 2003 10:31 am

personally, I am not worried about keeping both hands on the keyboard. i only need to do that if i am constantly typing.

it takes one second to switch windows with a mouse, and generally, i am switching between 5-10 windows at a time.

I will not debate that a keyboard shortcut is faster at switching windows. but i still prefer the display capabilities of a gui. keeping multiple windows up, at 1024x768, and the ability to arange them in any size, position, and setup that i need...with filtering, parsing of data, invaluable to me.

the sheer amount of text from oper related crap to 10 channels, all displayed in a way that it can be monitored, is the reason I use mirc.

and since the amount of mirc scripting i and others involved with the script has done adds features and capabilies most console clients have not bothered to add yet, shows me mirc's scripting is just as powerful at getting the job done...even if it is not as efficent or easy to write.

either way. comparing the two really comes down to purists.

I catch alot of shit simply from running mirc. apparentl, the only way to irc is on a console some people's closed minds. nevermind the fact that the people bitching sit in a limited number of channels, and don't really do much with thier clients..

just quite annoying to have people play the "mirc is lame" card all the time, just because they dislike it/are too stuck in 1985 to come play with a gui.
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Postby xmage » Fri Aug 08, 2003 11:34 am

nitedog, agreed. i think you hit the nail on the head with this post. i eventually turned to ignoring ctcp's (have no interest in changing any of the ctcp replies to something "witty") because of the flack i used to catch when version'd.

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