Well.. those who use MS have the ability to attach to their desktops as easily now a days almost as easy as it is to ssh to box and use a console.clunked wrote:We'd better keep this forum to constructive threads about IRC clients before this thread gets out of hand. I was somewhat curious as to the results of the poll, mIRC has quite clearly wonBut there has been some interesting discussion.
My quick $0.02:
- I think mIRC is a well written, user friendly application with powerful scripting capabiltiies (for what it is) which has been given a slightly bad name by nasty scripts.
- I prefer my console client, not because its easier/harder to use or more/less "elite", but because I can use it from anywhere without disruption at work, home, on different boxes and operating systems with screen via ssh.
- as Garion said, whatever bakes yer noodle!
- I am not "anti Microsoft"
Case in point. Windows XP remote desktop.
Using this example. Every machine I use in this house has the ability to connect to my main machine where I can attach to my mIRC session.
If you want to get real hardcore, you could toss in a citrix server somewhere and publish yourself mirc all ovah the world!...
But I digress....
I also at times connect to my machine at home from work...
Sometimes i connect to my machine at home from friends houses...
If on occation i connect to my linux box and run bitchx or epic if i want to be less obvious..
This is good for tricking the less geekish people at work who see you in a black window and assume you must be doing some kind of important work! (Keep up the good work auriga!!)
There are ways to get what you want using windows irc based clients also.
I use mIRC 97% of the time..
But on occation I do use console clients when i want to "hide" my ircing or if i dont want to irc from my host.. IE: if the server I oper on is down, id rather not irc from my real IP addy...
My 5 cents.