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Discussion of and help with popular IRC Clients.

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What IRC client do you use?

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Postby Auriga » Sun Aug 24, 2003 2:22 am

clunked wrote:We'd better keep this forum to constructive threads about IRC clients before this thread gets out of hand. I was somewhat curious as to the results of the poll, mIRC has quite clearly won :) But there has been some interesting discussion.

My quick $0.02:
- I think mIRC is a well written, user friendly application with powerful scripting capabiltiies (for what it is) which has been given a slightly bad name by nasty scripts.

- I prefer my console client, not because its easier/harder to use or more/less "elite", but because I can use it from anywhere without disruption at work, home, on different boxes and operating systems with screen via ssh.

- as Garion said, whatever bakes yer noodle!

- I am not "anti Microsoft"
Well.. those who use MS have the ability to attach to their desktops as easily now a days almost as easy as it is to ssh to box and use a console.

Case in point. Windows XP remote desktop.

Using this example. Every machine I use in this house has the ability to connect to my main machine where I can attach to my mIRC session.

If you want to get real hardcore, you could toss in a citrix server somewhere and publish yourself mirc all ovah the world!...

But I digress....

I also at times connect to my machine at home from work...
Sometimes i connect to my machine at home from friends houses...

If on occation i connect to my linux box and run bitchx or epic if i want to be less obvious..
This is good for tricking the less geekish people at work who see you in a black window and assume you must be doing some kind of important work! (Keep up the good work auriga!!)


There are ways to get what you want using windows irc based clients also.

I use mIRC 97% of the time..

But on occation I do use console clients when i want to "hide" my ircing or if i dont want to irc from my host.. IE: if the server I oper on is down, id rather not irc from my real IP addy...

My 5 cents. :)
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Postby clunked » Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:04 pm

I'll try that sometime, whenever I have to access my Windows boxes I tend to use VNC, I bet remote desktop works better since if VNC is running as user x and y logs on, it stops working. Remote desktop has more features iirc...
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Postby kreca » Fri Nov 07, 2003 12:56 am

I think you all miss a great point about mIRC. You have to pay for it if you're gonna use it for over 30 days (who doesnt). Also it's not open source so modifying it becomes hard and finding backdoors aswell.

Why use something you'd have to pay for to use when you can get the same functionality with a free one?

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Postby Auriga » Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:24 pm

You dont have to use a pay copy of mirc.. you can use older versons are patch them to vulns like /remote off etc.

I didnt upgrade my mirc, and I am not vuln to the new DCC problem.
Believe me i know because people try and exploit me everyday.. i see the attemps.. and yet i still keep on truckin..

Just my opinion..

Also i find newer versions of Mirc break my midentd ...
So i just dont bother with the newest if i can find a way around the new exploits. If on the otherhnad i cannot find my way around an exploit i'll upgrade. Till then *shrug*
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Postby HM2K » Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:16 pm

Yes, incase you hadn't noticed i'm a big fan of mIRC, though I am known to use CGI:IRC, java irc and even telnet on a regular basis to carry out my day to day ircing...

Respect to Khaled hehe.
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Postby leeh » Sat Nov 08, 2003 1:19 pm

kreca wrote:I think you all miss a great point about mIRC. You have to pay for it if you're gonna use it for over 30 days (who doesnt). Also it's not open source so modifying it becomes hard and finding backdoors aswell.

Why use something you'd have to pay for to use when you can get the same functionality with a free one?
Two reasons, firstly that I dont think there are any other good windows GUI irc clients out there. Xircon is obsolete really. The second is that lots of people have extensive scripting on clients - having to redo all these in another client is a pain, especially if there are no realistic gains in switching clients.
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Postby alz » Sat Nov 22, 2003 4:07 am

/me makes a glorious return to the efnet forums ;-)

In a slightly delayed response, I've gotta say I'm with leeh on this one. Personally, I hate console clients, they're annoying - has anyone else got a windows client with as many features as mIRC? If so I'd like to see it.

I'm also of the opinion that people who say "all mIRC users suck", and "opers who use mIRC are stoopid"...and the like; need a big slap.

At the end of the day, every client has its bugs, and to be perfectly honest, I've seen far more problems with BX and epic than I have with mIRC recently.

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Postby dubkat » Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:42 am

IRSSI - The client for smart and beautiful people! :D
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Postby 0versight » Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:18 am

I like xchat because its a gui client that is simple and to the point. i dont need all those features the other clients like mIRC has.....and I really hate text/command line clients like BitchX
IRC is how I deal with reality.
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Postby Klimpong » Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:27 pm

dubkat wrote:IRSSI - The client for smart and beautiful people! :D
Wow, not only did you call me smart, but beautiful. I like you. :twisted:

Yes, and I like my irssi seasoned with,,,, and a couple other scripts from Garion's website. :)
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Postby overkill_1024 » Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:16 pm

Looks like I'm the only one here without a dedicated IRC client. I'm just using GAIM's IRC client. Works for me.
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Postby munky » Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:33 pm

i know a handful of people that use trillian. i've used telnet from time to time to test for specific issues, but usually not for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.
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Postby madhatt » Tue Feb 01, 2005 5:37 am

*nix: BitchX w/ osiris
Windows: mIRC w/ ircN

... but in all honesty, does anyone really care about my client/script preferences? =P
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Postby zero » Sun May 29, 2005 11:19 am

irssi all the way \o/
why irssi?
some answers and features you can find here

And to all of you who voted for bitchX.. my remark would be:
* I read BitchX.doc and now I use Irssi * ( dubkat ) :)

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