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[13:59] qwebirc v0.90
[13:59] Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
[13:59] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
[13:59] == *** (qwebirc) Looking up your hostname...
[13:59] == *** (qwebirc) Found your hostname.
[13:59] == Connected to server.
[13:59] == *** Processing connection to
[13:59] == *** Looking up your hostname...
[13:59] == *** Found your hostname
[13:59] == ERROR: Closing Link: (D-lined)
[13:59] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.
the only things in my network that Could Possiblet me mistaken for botnet clients. my brother does "Grief" on Mc at times w/ Hacked MC clients that has built-in IRC client and i use a "Nintendo StreetPass Relay Server" OS for my RaspberryPi ["SpillPass Pi"] i keep my home pc's clean 99% of the time and havent noticed any unusual network activity excepot after Streaming the otherday the game FFXIV i had a laughable DoS attempt blocked and Logged by my Router.
if any info helps we have the ISP Provided All-in-one Modem (Telephony/Wireless AP/Cable Modem/LAN Router) by Arris (Model TG662)