Banned? - What i've done wrong? IRCOP please read.

Help with EFnet related issues

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Banned? - What i've done wrong? IRCOP please read.

Postby CoLt-[45] » Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:04 pm

"You are banned from this server- spam (2005/6/27 16.40)"

Been on the network for long time, and now i'm banned for what reason? - It's possible that i have a virus or something, but is there's an iRCOP i can speak to and to resolve this matter? (pm me if you can help, thanks)

Tried all server, but seems to be banned from all servers :cry:

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Postby deww » Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:44 pm

If you suspect you've a virus or something, please go get some anti-virus scanner and scan yourself. There's an online on at, then try to come back in a day or two, and really, when you said all servers, make sure you try them all. It's located on the main page of this website under servers.
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Postby CoLt-[45] » Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:50 pm

deww wrote:If you suspect you've a virus or something, please go get some anti-virus scanner and scan yourself. There's an online on at, then try to come back in a day or two, and really, when you said all servers, make sure you try them all. It's located on the main page of this website under servers.
Heheh, yup got mostly installed, The Cleaner, AVP (Kaspersky), Norton, McAfee, Ad-Aware, Firewall, etc.. and it's showing me that my system is 100% clean but somehow, I got banned without explaination?!?!? "SPAM" isn't enough and certainly not possible that i have been spamming on EFnet and have never attempt to try it!.
deww wrote:when you said all servers, make sure you try them all. It's located on the main page of this website under servers.
You tells me to try them all? - I've been using EFnet for many years and yes, i've actually tried them all - some says to me that domain is unresolved dns which I can't get the real IP and test it. - I think there's an error in banning me because i've done NOTHING wrong and my ip is STATIC and has been using the same IP for 4+ years.
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Postby munky » Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:32 pm

CoLt-[45] wrote: Heheh, yup got mostly installed, The Cleaner, AVP (Kaspersky), Norton, McAfee, Ad-Aware, Firewall, etc.. and it's showing me that my system is 100% clean but somehow, I got banned without explaination?!?!? "SPAM" isn't enough and certainly not possible that i have been spamming on EFnet and have never attempt to try it!.
Yes, "SPAM" is most certainly enough of a reason. With the thousands of spam drones that are dealt with every day, do you expect opers to spend time detailing the reasons behind each and every kline they set?
CoLt-[45] wrote:You tells me to try them all? - I've been using EFnet for many years and yes, i've actually tried them all - some says to me that domain is unresolved dns which I can't get the real IP and test it. - I think there's an error in banning me because i've done NOTHING wrong and my ip is STATIC and has been using the same IP for 4+ years.
how about starting with telling us which ones you did try. assuming you irc from the same host you are using on this forum, you are not klined on servercentral.
if all else fails, you can use to get on IRC, and use /stats p from there to find an ircop on whichever server(s) you are klined on.
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