banned frm efnet?

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banned frm efnet?

Postby hinges » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:12 pm

You are banned from this server: AutoAbuseDetection!!!????

i think it was beacuse of this--->

[01:54] <Jedi-Jest> tools - manager - [fileman60.sis] options - install . is that right
[01:54] <hinges> yup
[01:55] <Jedi-Jest> which memory phone or card?
[01:55] <hinges> use phone's
[01:55] <hinges> cause if u cant see ur apps in menu u can definetly check em out thru fileman and run them
[01:56] <hinges> when u get familar with fileman ull understand wht i meant just now
[01:56] <Jedi-Jest> in app manager i now have fileman and fileman60.sis

is it beacuse of tht i got banned?

I didnt do anything!
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Postby munky » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:26 pm

most likely, no, it is not because of that you got banned.

i would guess one of the following:
a) you're using a shell and someone on the same hostname as you caused problems and got you both banned
b) you're running an open proxy
c) you're infected with some trojan or another that is spamming from your ip

i would try another server, and /stats p the server you were connected to when you got banned (ie - /stats p, and ask an active oper to help you figure out why you were banned.
it may also be a good idea to scan your computer for virii/trojans. check out the cleaner (
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Re: banned frm efnet?

Postby tabarnac » Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:22 am

hinges wrote:You are banned from this server: AutoAbuseDetection!!!????
Only 1 lame server uses this bogus reason, and it's, whose definition of server abuse is... IDLING. You were probably banned because your client reconnected to the same server (prison).

Solution: AVOID using that lame server, and pick another one. See main page for a servers list, or if you're using mIRC, download the latest servers list from
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Postby sealie » Mon Nov 24, 2003 8:43 am

You could also check if your client is sending out regular CTCP or pings.
I think prison.NET triggers on 'bot like' activity such as anti-idle or time'd
pings which would result in a ban reason like that.

The other possibility could be that you are using the same hostname as
others (using a bnc) or on a NAT network where you are sharing your
public IP with others.

You could always /stats p and ask an active oper why you
are banned from using their service.

- sealie
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Postby munky » Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:22 pm

please read previous posts before replying

he never said he was using

it was already brought up that he could be using the same ip as someone else
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Postby seiki » Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:00 am

he's obviously using It's the only server on the network which bans for 'AutoAbuseDetection'.


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