how does a leaf hybrid sever connect to a hub hybrid server?

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how does a leaf hybrid sever connect to a hub hybrid server?

Postby 3698 » Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:10 am

I just change the serverinfo{ } and connect{ }.Does it need more changes?

Could someone give me a example about how a server connects to another server? Thanks very much!

The ip of hub server is The ip of leaf server is
The hub's conf is :

serverinfo {
* name: the name of our server. This cannot be changed at runtime.
name = "hybridircd";

* sid: a server's unique ID. This is three characters long and must
* be in the form [0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]. The first character must be
* a digit, followed by 2 alpha-numerical letters.
* NOTE: The letters must be capitalized. This cannot be changed at runtime.
sid = "1AB";

* description: the description of the server. '[' and ']' may not
* be used here for compatibility with older servers.
description = "hybrid-7 test server";

* network info: the name and description of the network this server
* is on. Shown in the 005 reply and used with serverhiding.
network_name = "MyNet";
network_desc = "This is My Network";

* hub: allow this server to act as a hub and have multiple servers
* connected to it. This may not be changed if there are active
* LazyLink servers.
hub = yes;

* vhost: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to ipv4 servers.
* This should be an ipv4 IP only, or "* for INADDR_ANY.
#vhost = "";

* vhost6: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to ipv6 servers.
* This should be an ipv6 IP only, or "* for INADDR_ANY.
#vhost6 = "3ffe:80e8:546::2";

/* max_clients: the maximum number of clients allowed to connect */
max_clients = 512;

* rsa key: the path to the file containing our rsa key for cryptlink.
* Example command to store a 2048 bit RSA keypair in
* rsa.key, and the public key in
* openssl genrsa -out rsa.key 2048
* openssl rsa -in rsa.key -pubout -out
* chown <ircd>.<ircd> rsa.key
* chmod 0600 rsa.key
* chmod 0644
#rsa_private_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/rsa.key";

* ssl certificate: the path to the file containing our ssl certificate
* for encrypted client connection.
* This assumes your private RSA key is stored in rsa.key. You
* MUST have an RSA key in order to generate the certificate
* openssl req -new -days 365 -x509 -key rsa.key -out cert.pem
* See
* Please use the following values when generating the cert
* Organization Name: Network Name
* Organization Unit Name:
* Common Name:
* E-mail:
#ssl_certificate_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/cert.pem";

connect {
/* name: the name of the server */
name = "";

* host: the host or IP to connect to. If a hostname is used it
* must match the reverse dns of the server.
host = "";

* vhost: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to servers.
* serverinfo::vhost and serverinfo::vhost6 will be overridden
* by this directive.
vhost = "";

* passwords: the passwords we send (OLD C and accept (OLD N.
* The remote server will have these passwords reversed.
send_password = "haha";
accept_password = "haha";

* encrypted: controls whether the accept_password above has been
* encrypted. (OLD CRYPT_LINK_PASSWORD now optional per connect)
encrypted = no;

/* port: the port to connect to this server on */
port = 6666;

* hub_mask: the mask of servers that this server may hub. Multiple
* entries are permitted
hub_mask = "*";

* leaf_mask: the mask of servers this server may not hub. Multiple
* entries are permitted. Useful for forbidding EU -> US -> EU routes.
# leaf_mask = "*.uk";

/* fakename: the servername we pretend to be when we connect */
# fakename = "*.arpa";

/* class: the class this server is in */
class = "server";

* autoconn: controls whether we autoconnect to this server or not,
* dependent on class limits. By default, this is disabled.
* compressed: controls whether traffic is compressed via ziplinks.
* By default, this is disabled
* lazylink: controls whether this server is a LazyLink. LazyLink
* servers may NOT hub. See doc/LazyLinks.txt
* cryptlink: enable full encryption for all data passing between our
* server and this link and rsa authentication.
* burst_away: This will send the /away string that users have set
* on the server burst. Note this can be a lot of data
* and slow down your server burst.
* topicburst: Send topics to this server during channel burst. Works
* only if the server we are connecting to is capable
# flags = autoconn, lazylink, compressed, cryptlink, burst_away, topicburst;


The leaf's conf is:

serverinfo {
* name: the name of our server. This cannot be changed at runtime.
name = "hybridircd";

* sid: a server's unique ID. This is three characters long and must
* be in the form [0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]. The first character must be
* a digit, followed by 2 alpha-numerical letters.
* NOTE: The letters must be capitalized. This cannot be changed at runtime.
sid = "1BB";

* description: the description of the server. '[' and ']' may not
* be used here for compatibility with older servers.
description = "hybrid-7 test server";

* network info: the name and description of the network this server
* is on. Shown in the 005 reply and used with serverhiding.
network_name = "MyNet";
network_desc = "This is My Network";

* hub: allow this server to act as a hub and have multiple servers
* connected to it. This may not be changed if there are active
* LazyLink servers.
hub = no;


connect {
* host: the host or IP to connect to. If a hostname is used it
* must match the reverse dns of the server.
host = "";

* vhost: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to servers.
* serverinfo::vhost and serverinfo::vhost6 will be overridden
* by this directive.
vhost = "*";

* passwords: the passwords we send (OLD C and accept (OLD N.
* The remote server will have these passwords reversed.
send_password = "haha";
accept_password = "haha";

* encrypted: controls whether the accept_password above has been
* encrypted. (OLD CRYPT_LINK_PASSWORD now optional per connect)
encrypted = no;

/* port: the port to connect to this server on */
port = 6666;

* hub_mask: the mask of servers that this server may hub. Multiple
* entries are permitted
hub_mask = "*";

* leaf_mask: the mask of servers this server may not hub. Multiple
* entries are permitted. Useful for forbidding EU -> US -> EU routes.
# leaf_mask = "*.uk";

/* fakename: the servername we pretend to be when we connect */
# fakename = "*.arpa";

/* class: the class this server is in */
class = "server";

* autoconn: controls whether we autoconnect to this server or not,
* dependent on class limits. By default, this is disabled.
* compressed: controls whether traffic is compressed via ziplinks.
* By default, this is disabled
* lazylink: controls whether this server is a LazyLink. LazyLink
* servers may NOT hub. See doc/LazyLinks.txt
* cryptlink: enable full encryption for all data passing between our
* server and this link and rsa authentication.
* burst_away: This will send the /away string that users have set
* on the server burst. Note this can be a lot of data
* and slow down your server burst.
* topicburst: Send topics to this server during channel burst. Works
* only if the server we are connecting to is capable
flags = autoconn;
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Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:50 pm

Postby 3717 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:43 pm

is it too cruel to say you just aren't made to run an irc daemon ? :p

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