EFNet = full of shit

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EFNet = full of shit

Postby crapper » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:49 am

I'm tired of shit heads who, for example, when I ask simple questions on #photoshop/#efnet start doing shit like "ooh, /quit [my-issue]".

#help bans countries. There's only two channels I know that aren't full of dumbass trolls.

Take IRCNet for example, the best socializing channel. You can join any channel, nobody bans nobody, you can have fun, but EFNet is just a dumb ass network for stupid script kiddies, pseudo-"underground hip warez "networks", bots, ddosers. Think about it. I see there's some intelligent people on efnet, too, but why don't you do anything about it?

You must be thinking why I'm writing like this, and of course I know it's stupid, but you know that trolling causes profanity, so it's their fault.

EDIT: The question was, why isn't anything done? #EFNET, god damn, has ops who are shits and even an op msg'd me back that "yeah, there are such people". I also posted this into a wrong section, my apologies.

EDIT 2: If I'd get oper status on every server, I'm quite sure it'd be a better network. I could give you a list of assholes to ban, but it wouldn't probably even get there since would cause a memory overflow error when transmitting the data. I won't attend any other channel than #slayradio, #thepiratebay.org and #coders, since they seem to know how to take care of their people and having manners. I am only looking to chat with out little 21-year old college losers with the skill of messaging through kick. I wouldn't wonder if you'll start bashing this topic, but I'm a person who likes to socialize with friendly people, not bunch of shits who ruin your day and start offending.
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Postby Zyrkon » Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:25 pm

Hello dear Crap,

If you ever read this:
at first, i'm no shit as you said. Well, i hope so, because i am helping you even if you name me a shit (yes, you did).

Well, you have the problem that you can't interact with the people on Efnet. But why it is our problem? Or the problem of the users on Efnet?
See, their is a democratic act of linking a server to efnet and every channel has it's own policies (or not). So anything here is quit "fair".

Some ppls are on efnet for a time you wasn't born. And some of them answered questions about Photoshop since you painted your arts with crayoning.
This, for sure, issn't YOUR Problem. But today we have google and other very good search-engines. And some ppl just trying to DO their life and don't won't answer questions you could google easiely. Like it is a netiquette in most forums.

It is maybe not the best tactic to Command ppl to help you and start whining when they don't. Now, this is your problem and you may solve it in many ways. You could stop beeing on efnet for the rest of your lifetime.. or you could start beeing friendly to ppl and accept it if they doesn't help you in realtime.

Best regards,
one of the shits :evil:
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Postby SMeK » Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:42 pm

i took it mildly seriously up until
EDIT 2: If I'd get oper status on every server, I'm quite sure it'd be a better network
People on get messed about with if they ask stupid questions. people come into #efnet all the time with stuff like "how do i tie my shoe laces" and stuff that isnt relevent.

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Postby Xv2 » Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:55 pm

Hello Crapper,

#1 Irc is a privilege, NOT a right.

#2 You have the rights to go anywhere you like, even the shit-hole. We don't give a RAT-ASS.

Smashing or Bashing or calling bad-names shows your class in the first place.

*plz* If you need OP, just open a new channel, you'll be OK. Again, Unused & New Channels are FREE give away of EFNET. That is why I am here!
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Postby vx0 » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:42 am

You get what you pay for, so quit your goddamned bellyachin'.

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Postby munky » Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:25 pm


i did laugh at the part about getting oper status on every server.

<canned response>
chanops can do whatever they want with their channel, including be assholes. if you don't like it, create your own channel and do it better.

most servers have no policy against users "being assholes", and it is not the job of the efnet opers or admins to police channels to make sure that everyone is helpful to everyone else.
</canned response>

mass k:lining channels because they told you "justfuckinggoogleit.com" is revenge, not "fixing the network"

FYI, server operators and admins only job is to maintain the integrity of the network, that means keeping servers linked, and removing clients that are damaging to the network.
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Postby deww » Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:11 am

Heh. I bet other other network that was mentioned on the original would ban trolls that flood and troll in #help, but then again, the ops for that channel on that other network would just be doing their job, where as we are just being jerks. *waves to all the jerks.*
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Re: EFNet = full of shit

Postby Pills » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:57 pm

crapper wrote:I'm tired of shit heads who, for example, when I ask simple questions on #photoshop/#efnet start doing shit like "ooh, /quit [my-issue]".

#help bans countries. There's only two channels I know that aren't full of dumbass trolls.

Take IRCNet for example, the best socializing channel. You can join any channel, nobody bans nobody, you can have fun, but EFNet is just a dumb ass network for stupid script kiddies, pseudo-"underground hip warez "networks", bots, ddosers. Think about it. I see there's some intelligent people on efnet, too, but why don't you do anything about it?

You must be thinking why I'm writing like this, and of course I know it's stupid, but you know that trolling causes profanity, so it's their fault.

EDIT: The question was, why isn't anything done? #EFNET, god damn, has ops who are shits and even an op msg'd me back that "yeah, there are such people". I also posted this into a wrong section, my apologies.

EDIT 2: If I'd get oper status on every server, I'm quite sure it'd be a better network. I could give you a list of assholes to ban, but it wouldn't probably even get there since would cause a memory overflow error when transmitting the data. I won't attend any other channel than #slayradio, #thepiratebay.org and #coders, since they seem to know how to take care of their people and having manners. I am only looking to chat with out little 21-year old college losers with the skill of messaging through kick. I wouldn't wonder if you'll start bashing this topic, but I'm a person who likes to socialize with friendly people, not bunch of shits who ruin your day and start offending.
I saw this post before anyone else, and I came very close to deleting it at the time. However, I wanted to see the responses, so I didn't.

You really should read the FAQ that I wrote on the main site.

A little fact about IRC, and life in general: people don't have to be nice to people they don't know. At any one time, you could probably find 60k actual users sitting behind machines on EFNet. It seems as if you met some of the people whose personalities clashed with yours. Shit happens.

Also, #help, #EFNET, #beginniner, etc. are not "official" channels. The fact is that no one really cares what goes on on channels; the person/people with the @ rule the roost. Perhaps #help bans countries because of trolls from those countries?

Do you really think that we should kick everyone off of EFnet who you don't agree with? Why not just start your own network for people that you like? Hey, since it's social interaction you want, why don't we pull a DALnet and get rid of warez? Oops, there goes one of your channels. In other words, God forbid you get ops "on all servers". There can be only one... Hardy.
Last edited by Pills on Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Xv2 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:09 am

I agreed with Pills (Forum Admin).

YES, you need to run your own Network or Server, whatever the hell is.

e.g. irc.STFU.org

You know what I mean?? Then use services like Chanserv, Operserv, whatever the BS is, then you can get OP in all channels on your Network.

Sounds Better? IF not, GFY.

Have a great day :P
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Postby ne0 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:01 pm

this guy can't be serious,
get a life man,
btw, i'm an efnet troll :D
Karlin Konig - ne0
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Postby SMeK » Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:17 pm

i aggree with ne0, he is a troll
-( SMeK )-

Re: EFNet = full of shit

Postby seiki » Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:54 am

crapper wrote:Take IRCNet for example, ... You can join any channel, nobody bans nobody ...


...if I'd get oper status on every server, I'm quite sure it'd be a better network. I could give you a list of assholes to ban..
so, you like IRCnet because you claim nobody gets banned there (probably because they're afraid of DDoS reprocussions) but because people on EFnet generally have balls of steel, they should be banned instead? That logic doesn't make much sense to me. Sounds like you're just pissed off and want to vent on us.

The ops in #help and #efnet (neither of which are 'official' efnet help channels, btw) may set modes in their channels however they see fit. Are you suggesting that the IRC operators on EFnet should go into people's channels and overrule the channel modes set by the ops? That would be incredibly lame, and I'm sure our userbase would quickly dwindle as a direct result. I don't think you'd make a very good IRCop.

If you don't like those channels, don't go to them. For example, #IRChelp, in my opinion, is possibly more useful than #help, and might be more what you're looking for. You must remember that EFnet does not have official channels for things like other IRC networks sometimes do. (with the possible exception of channels for individual servers, ie, #servercentral for irc.servercentral.net)

I hope this helps clear up any misconceptions you may have had about EFnet, and the rights of channel ops inside their channels*. EFnet isn't for everybody, and perhaps it's simply too hardcore for you.



*channels which exist for the primary purpose of controlling pools of drones have no rights whatsoever, and may be moded to hades and back by any IRC admin who feels like it at any time.
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Postby JustHavinFun » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:57 pm

EFNET is definitely not full of shit. EFNET leaves DALnet miles behind.
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Re: EFNet = full of shit

Postby methamp » Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:26 pm

crapper wrote:but EFNet is just a dumb ass network for stupid script kiddies, pseudo-"underground hip warez "networks", bots, ddosers.
And you're making youself look more the fool by posting on the IRC network's website forum. People like you are the reason I still have a job.
crapper wrote:EDIT 2: If I'd get oper status on every server, I'm quite sure it'd be a better network.
Please remove your lips from my ass.
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Postby Dryanta » Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:53 am

EFnet leaves all those networks in the dust, but I'm starting to think it would be a much better place if hostnames were anonymous.

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