I've been in an otherwise empty channel for a while that seems to constantly attract spam drones that join several other channels and msg people with:
Oi *im a bigot* do you wanna challenge my servers power? //server -m [url removed] -j #removed nobody has droped my server nobody can not even u *im a bigot* u cant hack my box [url removed] also buy shells from me [url removed] [nick removed]
(heh forums censored the foul language in there, you get the idea)
To my knowledge they are commonly seen in #help and I know them to join #glowshells, #dev, #hackerfire, and #hackerattack. The latter three being mostly empty channels.
There isn't any particular pattern of hosts/nicks they use (nicks are usually either random letters or a name). The only pattern I can find is they all seem to join the latter four channels many more times in a session than channels like #help.
Anyhow my best idea for fixing this would be to jupe #hackerattack. My choice is because the name isn't very useful for a channel, and I'm the only user who is actually ever there. (Another user idles in #hackerfire and #dev is a pretty good name I think)
What's the best way to make this happen, or is this post sufficient in itself?
Spam drones, possible channel jupe?
Moderators: Website/Forum Admins, EFnet/Help Moderators
not all servers kline on jupe joins. some kline on 1 jupe join, some kline on 4 jupe joins. not all servers will jupe the channel based on this recomendation.
the drones in question may only attempt to join the channel once, which means even if all servers jupe it, it will only kline them on a couple of servers.
the spam message in question is already being caught by spamtrap bots and klining them. if the drones message all users in a channel (rather than messaging onjoin/onpart), it's possible to have a spamtrap bot stay in the cahnnel to catch them more often.
the drones in question may only attempt to join the channel once, which means even if all servers jupe it, it will only kline them on a couple of servers.
the spam message in question is already being caught by spamtrap bots and klining them. if the drones message all users in a channel (rather than messaging onjoin/onpart), it's possible to have a spamtrap bot stay in the cahnnel to catch them more often.
In God we trust,
Everyone else must have an X.509 certificate.
Everyone else must have an X.509 certificate.
The bots repeatedly join #hackerattack. They quit in-between joins, I'm not sure this has any effect on servers that k-line after several joins. In the case of #help I only see them join once or twice if it at all during the period a particular bot is on.
A spamtrap bot sounds like a really good solution actually. Who can I talk with to start the ball rolling?
A spamtrap bot sounds like a really good solution actually. Who can I talk with to start the ball rolling?
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