banned for : *** Banned Please install identd

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banned for : *** Banned Please install identd

Postby FoolsGold » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:34 pm

hi, ive been an efnet user for last few years and ive never been banned for anything. recently (last few months) i did click the enable ident box to get into some channels such as #football. i still get banned from channels like #basketball though saying that i didnt ident. anyway, i log on and it says im banned for that reason and i have no idea why. the message i get for being banned is: *** Banned Please install identd to use this server.
Closing Link: (*** Banned )

if someone can help me out i would appreciate it.
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Postby Osc » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:45 am

you need to open/forward port 113 tcp in the firewall/router.
also read this: ... tml#identd Notice -- Osc ( is now an operator
<CHANFIX> You're now logged in with the following flags: ADMIN.
<OCF> Authentication successful. Welcome, Osc.

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