Ok, here is the deal. We have one dude who hates our channel, because of the issues in the past. So today I watch this interesting events: He, posed as a user of a channel for a few months, created a bot, asked to be opped, we thought that this is our member because of the time he spent online, gave him the op. We were thinking he just wants to set up bot to help us out with some management. Then this bot deops everyone, bans our main channel bot, and bans any ops. Well, in short, he took all our op rights away from channel ops and our main bot.
I am not the one who created this channel, but any help would be appreciated right now.
I have the log of all these events. Please, help ASAP, that dude is a real asshole and hater.
I tried chanfix, but I am getting banned from there on request... Probably that mofo did something...
Channel jacked
Moderators: Website/Forum Admins, EFnet/Help Moderators
First, read this:
Second, as you say you are being baned from #chanfix, which channel?
Second, as you say you are being baned from #chanfix, which channel?
irc.he.net Notice -- Osc (osc@irc.packetmonkeys.com) is now an operator
<CHANFIX> You're now logged in with the following flags: ADMIN.
<OCF> Authentication successful. Welcome, Osc.
<CHANFIX> You're now logged in with the following flags: ADMIN.
<OCF> Authentication successful. Welcome, Osc.
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