Channel Taken over but chanfix worked against the matter

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Channel Taken over but chanfix worked against the matter

Postby TheSa|nt » Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:57 pm

Hello, I had seriously personal question to ask.

4 years ago I created #animevortex on efnet and since then never left it's side. However a little over a month ago my main botnet died due to the foonet (CIThosting) raid (it was my host's datacenter) and when this happened a few of my ops who had been silent for awhile took over the channel. Because of this I was left without ops for almost a month waiting for my net to come back. When I finally got my bots back online, I finally found a way to get the channel back; however, when I did they simply used Chanfix to do a take-over on my channel again and get it right back since they had kept me away from +o for so long I was not in Chanfix's records appearently enough. I talked to the oper who initiated the action, and provided him with the proof that I was the both the founder of the channel and its highest admin figure. I own the domain, services, and that is provided for the channel, along with the company that hosts them all (accept the channel obviously). I obviously had more than enoug proof showing them who I was, but they said they had nothing in thier power they could do to fix it.
So basically instead of chanfix helping in the matter, it just made things worse. Now the botnet in which has been protecting my channel all these years is banned along with me from my own channel, and have no way of getting it back. The reason why I call this a personal question is because of the fact that the channel is my baby! 4 years since I created it on EFnet an spent almost every day since working on things for it and trying to find ways ot make it better for the members...then for this to happen...its like getting spit on an then having my hands tied beind my back and spit on some more. I am a law student, thus I cannot stand watching such actions take place without anything ever to be done about it. I cannot turn my back on somthing I have dedicated so much time, money and attention to! I hope that some justice can be available for such an event as this.

Thank you so much,
TheSa|nt - Animevortex

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Postby Jon » Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:06 pm

You will need to read up on what exactly is chanfix.
Chanfix doesn't babysit a channel, it simply joins an opless channel and ops the clients with the highest records (of being ops).

Basically, if your bots (and you) didn`t have ops for X days while other clients had ops, you are out of luck.

Also, because the current ops did the "takeover" , it will be considered an in-house action and nothing can be done. They had ops before, now they have ops. Chanfix doesn`t know the difference. If you ask anyone, they will not consider that a takeover, just a change of power.

I understand that it is very frustating and unfair for you, but that is the way things work.
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Postby Pills » Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:25 pm

CHANFIX != Chanserv. CHANFIX only sees the hosts with ops over the last few weeks; it doesn't see who has held the channel for the years before those last few weeks.

If you wanted this channel protected so, you should've started it on DALnet or another network with chanserv.
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Postby deww » Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:08 pm

This is an unfortunate turn of events. However, you shouldn't blame ChanFix. All it did was what it programmed to do and that's to see the relevant scores of the recently opped users. FooNet's servers were confiscated and this was in no part due to EFNet and Chanfix. According to you, this is an internal takeover. The ops who tookover are ops before they did so. So it's possible they already did have high scores to begin with. What did you do to maintain ops? Did you look for new ways to secure "your" channel?
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Postby TheSa|nt » Thu Mar 25, 2004 6:34 pm

deww wrote:This is an unfortunate turn of events. However, you shouldn't blame ChanFix. All it did was what it programmed to do and that's to see the relevant scores of the recently opped users. FooNet's servers were confiscated and this was in no part due to EFNet and Chanfix. According to you, this is an internal takeover. The ops who tookover are ops before they did so. So it's possible they already did have high scores to begin with. What did you do to maintain ops? Did you look for new ways to secure "your" channel?
I would have take the steps to secure my channel by setting up a secondary net in the channel until foonet came back online a month later from the event. The problem is thats kind of hard when I lose my +o because they decide to TO the channel cause the bots arent there to stop them...and if the bots are no there I cannot +o since they refused to respond to any of my msgs from the second thier actions took place, it was kind of hard to talk any sense into them. For crying out loud I did nothing but spend both time and money in protecting that channel because I didnt want to leave EFnet and move it somwhere else. I was too much of a dedicated efnet user since I had been with EFnet since the beginning of the channel and many many years before it existed. I am sorry if that was a mistake, since I recieve nothing but hostility from operative figures. For crying out loud I am a dedicated member to those projects I create, the communities I affiliate with and people I socialize with. I am a law student, and never did anything but "the right thing" in life in the decisions I make or actions I take. I am both a major in law and managment, and CEO of my hosting company. So it is common and normal for somone to be offended who is so dedicted and honest in life, just to see somone spit in thier face and try to walk all over them (and especially get away with it)
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Postby corrupt » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:34 am

Why would you EVER rely on Foonet for anything?
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Re: Channel Taken over but chanfix worked against the matter

Postby wundr » Fri Mar 26, 2004 4:15 am

TheSa|nt wrote:a few of my ops ... took over the channel. Because of this I was left without ops for almost a month
Actually, in this case, the channel was no longer your channel, as you weren't opped, and they were.
When I finally got my bots back online, I finally found a way to get the channel back;
By taking over the channel like they did, and you were upset about, in the first place?
they had kept me away from +o for so long
again, in this case, the channel is no longer yours.
I talked to the oper who initiated the action, and provided him with the proof that I was the both the founder of the channel and its highest admin figure.
As you say you are a long-time EFNet user, I'd think that you would understand that these make no difference on EFNet.
The problem is thats kind of hard when I lose my +o because they decide to TO the channel cause the bots arent there to stop them...and if the bots are no there I cannot +o since they refused to respond to any of my msgs from the second thier actions took place, it was kind of hard to talk any sense into them.
The channel sounds like you were running it more as a dicatatorship than anything else. The people in the channel DIDN'T WANT you there, founder or not.
For crying out loud I did nothing but spend both time and money in protecting that channel because I didnt want to leave EFnet and move it somwhere else.
From what you've said, it doesn't sound like they really wanted you to be there doing those things.
I am both a major in law and managment, and CEO of my hosting company.
So it is common and normal for somone to be offended who is so dedicted and honest in life, just to see somone spit in thier face and try to walk all over them (and especially get away with it)
You were running the channel as a dictator, going against the will of the others in the channel, and using your power (through owning the bots) to stifle others that might take leadership. At a very basic level, CHANFIX goes by 'majority rules', which I think most people, especially you as a student of law, would agree is fair.
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Postby TheSa|nt » Fri Mar 26, 2004 8:02 am

how can I make this sound simple......I am no dictator! Nor did I run my channel that way. It was only the two of them that did this, no one else. This is not like some incidint where the channel itself rebels against its ops. There were only 2 ops invovled in the TO...the decision....etc. Everyone else is leaving now and my channel is dieing. The bots were not there to stop them from doing it...thier purpose was to protect from outside abuse, and to maintain ops. Of course they would prevent them from TO'ing the channel...they were therre for channel security doesnt matter who is doing as long as they see a TO attempt they will defend. If they do not like the channel, they could easily go somwhere else...there was nothing holding them there. But instead they chose to take over the channel an bring thier friends in to help hold it.

The rest of the real AV team is gone now and pissed off wanting explanations on what happened. Did they stay and support this?! They all set up camp somwheres until the channel is regained.

As for foontet....I didnt know what my host's datacenter was :P I didnt ask, and for your information, the bots hosted by them have been the most stable net I have ever seen without any issues for years until foonet's issue came up. I understand foonet was having issues with solving thier problems, but I personally have never had any issues with them. I had goten a few shell acounts here an there in the past but killed them all but one, since they were nothing but issues

and last but not least...thanks for all the friendliness. I will never see EFnet in the same way.

Animevortex's name is still under copyright, and although I cannot do anything about IRC or the channel, they do claim ownership through chan rules, an once they try to designate anything such as a new website, I will take it to a more personal level.

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Postby munky » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:55 pm

this thread seems to be getting repetitive...

assuming your bots had good uptime, they probably had the top-5 scores, maybe even the top-10 (or a majority of them). if you had gone to an oper in the first place in that instance, you may have been able to convince them that your bots were the missing top scores and gotten some action done. you waited too long, they now have top scores, there's nothing you can do short of convince them to op you long enough to get a top score.
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Postby tabarnac » Sat Mar 27, 2004 3:27 am

TheSa|nt wrote:This is not like some incidint where the channel itself rebels against its ops. There were only 2 ops invovled in the TO...the decision....etc. Everyone else is leaving now and my channel is dieing. The bots were not there to stop them from doing it...thier purpose was to protect from outside abuse, and to maintain ops. Of course they would prevent them from TO'ing the channel...they were therre for channel security doesnt matter who is doing as long as they see a TO attempt they will defend. If they do not like the channel, they could easily go somwhere else...there was nothing holding them there. But instead they chose to take over the channel an bring thier friends in to help hold it.
Oh, for crying out loud.
For a channel founder, you have to pick your channel operators in a matter of *trust*. Making ground rules from the start: who's the channel manager, and all operators should know who their fellow ops are.
If one of them tries to take-over the channel, then that person was not meant to be in your trust list. Too bad it happened when your bots were down. As they say, don't spend all your money in the same store. That should have been done for your bots. (shells)

You can blame EFnet all you want, but you should instead blame yourself for letting some operators you probably promoted play against you.

As for Chanfix, last time I checked, it is blind for everyone, except the ones with @operator status, filters out everyone with "ppp" or "dialup" in their hostname, then keep a top 10 of the longest operators, only if there's at least 5 users in the channel, and for a period of 2 weeks only. It's up to you to keep yourself and trusted friends opped in the channel to keep a high score so chanfix can play in your favor.

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