Chans Names

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Chans Names

Postby thelit » Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:03 am

How can I join separated chans like: #The IRC Police?

--- [lot] is on @#pirates of the irc

How can I do this ? Please :)

Thanks ;)
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Re: Chans Names

Postby wundr » Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:24 am

thelit wrote:How can I join separated chans like: #The IRC Police?

--- [lot] is on @#pirates of the irc

How can I do this ? Please :)

Thanks ;)
I think this will work in mIRC... /join #The[crtl-i]IRC[crtl-i]Police
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Postby corrupt » Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:34 am

I believe those are just ASCII chars that make spaces.
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Re: Chans Names

Postby Beige » Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:13 pm

thelit wrote:How can I join separated chans like: #The IRC Police?
As previously suggested, what is used is not in fact the actual space character (ASCII code 32), but another character which is processed as a space on many terminals/fonts. This "blank" character is ASCII code 160, and on a Windows client such as mIRC you can enter it by holding down your ALT key and typing 0160 on the keypad. This'll work on most keyboards, although certain special laptop keyboards might not support ALT codes.

In unix clients such as BX, you can enter by prefixing your command with /eval, and using $chr(160) as the character replacement code.

mIRC: /join #Happy<ALT-0160>IRC
BX: /eval /join #Happy$chr(160)IRC

The above would join a channel which looks like "#Happy IRC" (technical note: it will in fact be displayed as a de facto space character on some 8-bit filtering terminals, because 160 - 128 == 32)

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