Search found 42 matches

by Jon
Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:25 pm
Forum: General
Topic: channel services
Replies: 7
Views: 16960

When was EFnet labelled professional ?
And, you cannot apply the law on a global scale.

by Jon
Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:58 pm
Forum: Help
Topic: Question: Clones
Replies: 5
Views: 11459

Deww: So I won't "clone" on that server.
So, does that mean you clone on other servers?

by Jon
Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:58 am
Forum: General
Topic: Should Servers Deal w/ DNS Spam or Shouldn't They.. POLL
Replies: 41
Views: 76417

kampfire: But those 4 points aren`t justified. The only possible issue here is if that USA HomeLand Security see's an anti-gov domain (hostname) then it might want to ban the domain (this is a long shot) As for the rest, looking dumb is when a user joins #not-a-warez-chan and does !list It may be a ...
by Jon
Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Should Servers Deal w/ DNS Spam or Shouldn't They.. POLL
Replies: 41
Views: 76417

I guess the point here is that; If admins block hostnames for their own personal reasons, then it wouldn`t be very fair for the users. Since it won`t prevent an admin and his/her friends from connecting, then so be it. So users have no say and have to follow what that admin decided. But, admins can ...
by Jon
Thu Jun 24, 2004 11:56 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Do we need more ipv6 servers?
Replies: 57
Views: 98996

Conflict of interest

their ipv6 was put on hold to deal with the abuse
by Jon
Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:47 am
Forum: General
Topic: Should Servers Deal w/ DNS Spam or Shouldn't They.. POLL
Replies: 41
Views: 76417

Not that it matters, but this dns "spam" or "pollution" doesn`t bother me. Sure it`s annoying to see, but there are options to hide that. Also, what about those "spam" channels like I seen shell providers with like 30ips and 2 doma...
by Jon
Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:25 am
Forum: News
Topic: Doctors check of your computer
Replies: 7
Views: 19340

I would like to add;

mIRC users please do not install the polaris script !
by Jon
Mon May 24, 2004 2:37 pm
Forum: General
Topic: New EFnet Server GaTel...
Replies: 19
Views: 38866

This made for a good morning read... but I believe the reason(s) behind the denied link was mentionned a few times.

Time to move on :)
by Jon
Wed May 19, 2004 2:05 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Dead
Replies: 2
Views: 10147

by Jon
Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:06 pm
Forum: Help
Topic: Channel Taken over but chanfix worked against the matter
Replies: 9
Views: 13497

You will need to read up on what exactly is chanfix. Chanfix doesn't babysit a channel, it simply joins an opless channel and ops the clients with the highest records (of being ops). Basically, if your bots (and you) didn`t have ops for X days while other clients had ops, you are out of luck. Also, ...
by Jon
Mon Mar 22, 2004 2:03 am
Forum: Help
Topic: Threats via irc from a user...
Replies: 3
Views: 6444

Did the swat team , like, come crashing down from every possible angle of your house? Crashing through the windows/doors ?

Anyways, hopefully that shit doesn't continue. Would freak the fuck out of me.

.br *sigh*
by Jon
Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:58 am
Forum: General
Topic: Chanfix - 3 years later
Replies: 17
Views: 34676

Happy bday chanfix. I'll miss the good old days of riding splits for ops. Spending all that time just waiting and waiting for the moment to jump. Soo many hours wasted :) I would be curious to know the % of chanfix usage within the past 3 years. Meaning, how many times chanfix was called to fix a ch...
by Jon
Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:01 am
Forum: News
Topic: approved for trial link
Replies: 11
Views: 18918

6) Don't post to raise your post count. In this vein, no posts with just a smiley, or "LOL", or any other such inanity.

I recommend adding "welcome <new server> to trial link."

by Jon
Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:45 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Nicks
Replies: 8
Views: 16990

let's have a vote:

Yes, I would like to use a number as the first character of my nickname.
No, change is bad.
by Jon
Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:39 pm
Forum: News
Topic: delinks
Replies: 9
Views: 20438

What was the scale of the ddos ? Seems like a waste of time for some people to get a server up and running, getting it linked, then leaving because of an attack soo quickly. You kind of have to expect some sort of problems at the very begining. New servers are a nice target, but eventually it will s...